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On the Issues


The judicial system must work to uphold the civil liberties of all people, and we must ensure the restoration of Constitutional rights. 

  • We take a firm stand against all forms of discrimination including but not limited to race, gender / gender identity, gender expression ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religious belief or age.
  • We defend religious freedom for all people and uphold the separation of church and state.
  • We believe that affirmative action programs remain necessary in all areas in order to foster inclusive and equitable workplace and school environments and to ensure equal access to economic resources, and bring our nation closer to racial and gender equality.
  • We support the enforcement of Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • We believe hate crimes (crimes motivated by personal bias) deserve harsher punishment under law. We also support the addition of gender identity to the list of classes protected by the Texas Hate Crime statute.
  • We believe that bullying poses a direct threat to the safety of all students. We support ongoing solutions to combat this issue and to insure that students have a safe, secure, inductive learning environment.
  • We support public access to meetings and records of government at all levels unless there is a legitimate need for confidentiality as determined by law.
  • We support substantive and immediate reform of the Texas penal system with an emphasis placed on the rehabilitation of the incarcerated.
  • We believe same sex couples should have the same rights to marriage, benefits, foster parenting, and adoption as heterosexual couples. 
  • We oppose all profiling, based on but not limited to, race, gender / gender identity, gender expression ethnicity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religious belief or age by all levels of law enforcement in Texas. 
  • We oppose so-called “tort reform” as it limits a citizen’s right to seek justice in the courts for civil wrongdoing.
  • We support the abolition of capital punishment in Texas and the United States. 7.13. We oppose any English-only legislative initiatives.
  • We strongly oppose the Supreme Court ruling Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Corporations are not people. Further, we support the implementation of campaign finance reform, including public financing of campaigns.
  • We continue to oppose the efforts to mandate identification cards for voting, on the grounds that they will deny access to the polls for the following groups: peoples in rural areas with limited access to government offices, persons with mobility and disability issues and persons who cannot afford to pay identification card fees.
  • We support the legalization, regulation, and taxation of marijuana, in a manner similar to that of tobacco or alcohol.
  • We support the individual right of every law-abiding citizen to own and possess firearms, as established by the Second Amendment and upheld by the Supreme Court.
  • We support universal background checks for firearm purchase.
  • We support a ban on high capacity magazines.
  • We support a ban on assault rifles
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